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November Featured Artist


Eau Claire, WI

Let's Get Social

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Eau Claire Area Photography (ECAP) has more than 18,000 members. That’s more individuals in one Facebook group than residents in the City of Menomonie (16,650, according to 2022 U.S. Census Bureau data). How have they maintained the peace?

For the past eight years, ECAP has firmly adhered to its eight guidelines, which include no harassment, racism, political posts, or sale posts (“Try Craigslist or an E.C. sale page on Facebook”). Three-page administrators, including group founder Jacob Kuehl, Kathy Schmiedeskamp, and Mike Howard, enforce those guidelines.

When Kuehl created the Facebook page in 2016, it aimed to foster positivity, inclusivity, and an appreciation for the beauty around us right here in Eau Claire.


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