Decadent Gifts and Gallery Mentorship Program
Decadent Gifts and Gallery offers mentoring to emerging arts in the Chippewa Valley who would like to benefit from the experience of our in-house artists and other local professional artists.
Mentors will:
Meet with staff at Decadent Gifts and Gallery for a brief orientation to the Mentoring program.
Complete a Mentor Application.
Provide a list of topics that they will cover.
Examples of Mentor topics might include:
How to register as a business
Setting up a point of sale
Tax expectations for small businesses
Local resources for professional development
Art shows
Developing a cohesive style
Consignment agreements
Presentation and display of artwork
Writing an Artist Bio and Artist Statement
Online resources
Online artist presence
Avoiding burnout and building creativity
Obtaining gallery representation
MORE based on life experiences
If chosen by a Mentee, the Mentor will be reimbursed at a rate of $50 per hour. The fee will be covered by local sponsors.
(There is no financial obligation on the part of the Mentee.)
Mentees will:
Meet with staff at Decadent Gifts and Gallery for a brief orientation to the Mentoring program.
Complete a Mentee Application.
Review the list of available mentors and select a mentor or mentors based on their personal
Coordinate to schedule 4 hours of mentorship with one or more mentors.
Sessions should be scheduled within a timely manner, usually within 90 days.
Meetings will take place on an agreed-upon date and time at Decadent Gifts and Gallery, 329 Water Street, Eau Claire, WI 54703.
(Other locations may be considered based on need.)
Provide 3 – 5 samples of artwork for review.
Be prepared with a source for notetaking.
Complete a minimum of 4 hours with their chosen Mentor/s.
Complete a brief program evaluation.
After completion of the program, the Mentee will be provided with:
A certificate of program completion
Gallery representation for one month
2-hour Gallery reception